HealthPERX currently shows an average utilization rate of over 70% on over 100 client groups who have been with us for over two years.

  • The success of any new benefit program hinges on employee or member activation and engagement, which ultimately leads to utilization.
  • HealthPERX also maintains over 90% Retention Rate
  • HealthPERX differentiates itself from competitors with a unique approach to pricing and an innovative member engagement strategy to positively drive adoption, utilization and results.
  • HealthPERX offers easy access to all of its benefits from a single APP

HealthPERX – Plan Design

Whether your plan contains Telemedicine, a Price Transparency and Cost Savings Platform, Incentive Programs, Pharmacy Solutions, Concierge Services or other benefit solutions, the effectiveness and ultimate awareness and engagement and utilization will depend strongly on the plan design.

For example, telemedicine with a medical consult fee will show far less utilization than with no consult fee. Actual studies have shown a 400% greater utilization rate with $0 consult fee vs. $45 or more consult fee.

Another example:  The same exact outpatient surgical procedure may cost $1000 more at one facility vs. another.  With the right incentive plan in place, we can persuade employees to go to the less expensive facility, saving both the employee and the employer money.

Results do not occur just because a benefit is offered. There is a science that must be considered to generate behavioral change and this is built into the plan design.

Engagement Strategy

Many benefits have been sold as “commodities” for years. Many companies continue to fight for market share at “any expense” and, as a result, get caught up in “price wars.” While they focus on growing, they fail to focus on retention. Unfortunately, within 30-60 days, most employees have forgotten what benefits they have.

These benefits, no matter how good they sound on paper, do nothing if they are not used.

We are a company that understands the science of behavior change and we focus on building awareness and engagement, which results in greater utilization.

Companies today are averaging close to 5% utilization on many of the same benefits we offer. Even those that reach 15% utilization are typically losing money.

Telemedicine that comes with an insurance plan is showing the lowest utilization.

Telemedicine with an insurance plan is not a good idea.  Ask us why.

Ask us about the healthPERX Playbook

  • Partnering with our clients to achieve mutual goals.
  • Making it as easyfor them by handling almost all of the administration.
  • Applying lessons learned so they don’t have to start from scratch.
  • Equipping organizations and their employees for success, by providing marketing materials, interactive tools, client, and member portals, and guidance.
  • Helping by delivering consistent and captivating communications.
  • Devoting time, energy and commitment.

Introducing our MyBenefitsWork Member Portal and APP

Our clients are seeing 800-1,000% greater utilization than the rest of the industry.

Company Overview